Happy Tails

Hans and Kristoff

Today our Happy Tail Tuesday features not one but two TCPR alumni! Brothers Kristoff and Hans were adopted last December. Here is what their family has to say about the two cats.

“Kristoff has been doing very well. He is so strong and solid and can jump so high when playing with the feathery toy. He is also smart and motivated by treats, so we have been teaching him a few tricks. In fact, he seems a bit too interested in food, so we will have to watch his weight as he grows into adulthood and inevitably becomes less active.

Hans is more delicate, but that does not stop him from being bold. Unfortunately, he broke his back legs back in January. We have no idea how this happened, we just found him like that after coming back from work. The vet mentioned the fracture seemed more consistent with getting caught up on something, but we will never know for sure. He had orthopedic surgery so he could be back on his feet as soon as possible, and still took almost 6 weeks for full recovery. He is now back at his old tricks, which quite frankly makes us a little nervous because he is so adventurous around the house, but we can’t stop him from being a kitten.

They are so sweet, playful and funny cats and we are glad we adopted them. I really hope the rest of frozen family already found homes. I’m sure they will be fantastic companion for any person or family!”

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